Sunday, March 9, 2014

Giant panda cub Yuan Zai unveiled in Taiwan’s Taipei zoo

I remenber i went to Taipei Zoo  with my friends last year, and we saw many animal.
Of course panda too . But when we went to zoo there were many people in that day.
So i didn't see they very clear. There were some regrets.
reunion   noun   /riˈyunyən/
1 [countable] a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who have not seen each other for a long timea family reunionthe school's annual reuniona reunion of the class of '852 [countableuncountable]reunion (with someone)reunion (between A and B)the act of people coming together after they have been apart for some timean emotional reunion between mother and sonChristmas is a time of reunion.3 [uncountable] the action of becoming a single group or organization againSome have advocated the reunion of the Church of England with the Church of Rome.
patient  noun  /ˈpeɪʃnt/
1 a person who is receiving medical treatment, especially in a hospitalcancer patients2 a person who receives treatment from a particular doctor, dentist, etc.He's one of Dr. Shaw's patients.3 (grammar) the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. In the sentence “I started the car,” the patient is agent
Comment : I chose Oxford Advanced American Dictionary (American English), because it forums in my felt is best than the other dictionary. It definitions and example sentences are not too abstruse and clear let me could understant word mean easily. That all.

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