Sunday, June 1, 2014

MIT OpenCourseware

Physics I: Classical Mechanics - 8.Applications of Newton's Second Law

I chose this class, because it let me remember when I was be an student in  junior high school.

But this video give me some difficult, like words and professional knowledge.

When I was junior, I always do not know what is Newton's low. So I can't get a good score.

Watching the video, I almost don't understand what the teacher say. And I have to translate lots of words.

I think I like ESL more than this.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

ESL Podcast 998 – Meeting a New Neighbor.

neighbor : the person who lives either right next to you or very close to you.

setting in : to be in your confortable in a new place.

the scoop : the inside  information  -- the scoop+on something/someone

take a rain check : do something not now, maybe later. maybe are a different time or later time.

joiner : a people join group to do things.

to keep to myself :  a private person doesn't  like talking about himslfe or giving information about himself.

appoingting myslef  : to do something and no one has ask me to  do it.

resident : person who lives in a particular area.

inundated : too much of something.

sort something out : to look at  a largea mount of something and decide how to categorize it and organize it.

reputation : how other people to see you.

busybodies : someone who wants to know what's going on someone lives. even though it is no reason to know.

some people : to show how you are shocked by what someone has said/ what someone has done.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Leo, the Taxi Driver

ex : I feel weary.= I feel tired.

Pull up/over/into/out of/of
ex : He pull the car into the driveway.
       He pull the car of the road.

any other day
ex : Today is like any other day.

美語用法 : sidewalk
英語用法 : pavement
on the side of the road

free up
something available to use (time/money)
ex : She needs to free up her schedule to go to the gym.

break out of
The monkey at the zoo broke out of his cage.

be a while
Since it’ll be a while before the next bus comes, why don’t you go get a snack?

I got pull over by the police.

Freeways = highway


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Reflection - Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

This week read steve job's speech. Three story of his life. Let me felt very admire to him.

He don't Graduated from the University. But he has more courage from other people.

He found a company "Macintosh". And when it would be success , he got fire.

But he won't give up. And try to found a company agane. succeed agane.

found an wife, and back to "apple". In my think His life has more challenge and more predicament.

But he does overcome, and be success. It's very amazing. I learn from him.

"Don't give up , and be better."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

mention    (verb)   /ˈmɛnʃn/
mean : to write or speak about something or someone, especially without giving much information
example : Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.

hectic  (adjective)   /ˈhɛktɪk/
mean : very busy; full of activity
example : Today was too hectic for me.

fortunately   (adverb)  /ˈfɔrtʃənətli/
mean : by good luck
example : Fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Giant panda cub Yuan Zai unveiled in Taiwan’s Taipei zoo

I remenber i went to Taipei Zoo  with my friends last year, and we saw many animal.
Of course panda too . But when we went to zoo there were many people in that day.
So i didn't see they very clear. There were some regrets.
reunion   noun   /riˈyunyən/
1 [countable] a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who have not seen each other for a long timea family reunionthe school's annual reuniona reunion of the class of '852 [countableuncountable]reunion (with someone)reunion (between A and B)the act of people coming together after they have been apart for some timean emotional reunion between mother and sonChristmas is a time of reunion.3 [uncountable] the action of becoming a single group or organization againSome have advocated the reunion of the Church of England with the Church of Rome.
patient  noun  /ˈpeɪʃnt/
1 a person who is receiving medical treatment, especially in a hospitalcancer patients2 a person who receives treatment from a particular doctor, dentist, etc.He's one of Dr. Shaw's patients.3 (grammar) the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. In the sentence “I started the car,” the patient is agent
Comment : I chose Oxford Advanced American Dictionary (American English), because it forums in my felt is best than the other dictionary. It definitions and example sentences are not too abstruse and clear let me could understant word mean easily. That all.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Practice one

Hello every one. My name is RUEI-SIANG HUANG. My hometowm is in UNLIN. This is my first write English article, so if I have any wrong in it. I just can say sorry, I will hard be better.Because I'm not good at English now. So please every body correct my mistake, I will be appreciation to you. And nice to meet you. Thank you welcome to my blog.