Sunday, May 25, 2014

ESL Podcast 998 – Meeting a New Neighbor.

neighbor : the person who lives either right next to you or very close to you.

setting in : to be in your confortable in a new place.

the scoop : the inside  information  -- the scoop+on something/someone

take a rain check : do something not now, maybe later. maybe are a different time or later time.

joiner : a people join group to do things.

to keep to myself :  a private person doesn't  like talking about himslfe or giving information about himself.

appoingting myslef  : to do something and no one has ask me to  do it.

resident : person who lives in a particular area.

inundated : too much of something.

sort something out : to look at  a largea mount of something and decide how to categorize it and organize it.

reputation : how other people to see you.

busybodies : someone who wants to know what's going on someone lives. even though it is no reason to know.

some people : to show how you are shocked by what someone has said/ what someone has done.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Leo, the Taxi Driver

ex : I feel weary.= I feel tired.

Pull up/over/into/out of/of
ex : He pull the car into the driveway.
       He pull the car of the road.

any other day
ex : Today is like any other day.

美語用法 : sidewalk
英語用法 : pavement
on the side of the road

free up
something available to use (time/money)
ex : She needs to free up her schedule to go to the gym.

break out of
The monkey at the zoo broke out of his cage.

be a while
Since it’ll be a while before the next bus comes, why don’t you go get a snack?

I got pull over by the police.

Freeways = highway
